Hellllloooo Guys!! It's Tsuji here!! A Wonderful day and Greetings to all of you guys.. Again, I wanna say a bunch of THANK YOU for your frequent visit, although my posts sometimes to be lame or cliche' in terms of presentation.. Hahaha!! Enough of babbling around and let's straight away to our main TOPIC!
Thanks to Allah for giving me opportunity to share and treasure all of my great experiences for those who are in need or desperate to get an A+ for their Examination results. Yesterday was the last day for my first Test or we can call it first mid-semester examination in my college!! What a relieve moment and yeah, I wanna shout as hard as I can... "ARRRGGHHHHH"... hahahaha... Don't bother bout' it... I'm just releasing some of my stress here ha-ha... Okay! Not to mention my story during my College's test, but to share a few GREAT and USEFUL tips for all of you guys easily obtain A+ for your school or College subjects... Well, not all people might realize the POWERFUL FACT behind these great tips which I'll explain 'em soon... Before we start and initiate the tips, just take a deep breath...... Slowly relax and calm your mind from all sorts of negative things.... Before closing your little cute, charming eyes, create a wider picture in your closed-eye views bout' what you want to be after this... What's your Dream? And imagine how you gonna achieve them? It's really sounds silly but really works motivate your mind.. Now close your eyes and Dream want you want to be for a minute clearly and Perfectly! Take your time......
HAVE YOU DONE IT? What you feel now? ....................
Hahahaha..... Never mind if you cannot visualize your dreams or ambition yet.... But, it is the first thing to do before you will be someone great and totally different from someone else! Trust me...
1. Be Ambitious!!
Firstly, being an ambitious and high dream person is always the main key to keep and frequently motivated yourself! Without this essential element in your life, you are nobody without compliment. Everything in this world does really need compliment to support and strengthen up your main purpose of life and target!
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Imagine your dream is really important !! |
Yeah! Our great and handsome Einstein also said the same thing doesn't it? Just believe the power of imagination and you'll pass the first step being an EXTRAORDINARY student! Despite, imagining bombastic thing won't drive you far away if you don't act immediately!! So, what are you waiting for?? Chase your dream now!! Your Dream will not come TWICE if you are already wasted it ONCE!! So... It is your ULTIMATE decision...... Even there is also a purpose of why do we have created by God (ALLAH) to live on the Earth.
"Thereof (the earth) We created you, and into it We shall return you, and from it We shall bring you out once again"
(Qur'an 20:55)
(Qur'an 20:55)
The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said what means: ”Riches does not mean, having a great amount of property, but riches is self-contentment.”
(Sahih Bukhari, Book #76, Hadith #453)
(Sahih Bukhari, Book #76, Hadith #453)
2. Investigate and Plan!
Second thing comes after dreaming is search your weaknesses, potential ability and plan your STRATEGY! Yes..... Wise and well organized PLAN! One would never succeed doing a single thing if he'd never plan any single thing! Pathetic right? It is better for you doing something simple and strategically rather than doing something REAL HARD but in the end ........... MESSED UP! If you are really treasured and appreciate your current time from wasted doing something that totally awful, it is wise decision enhancing and use your ability to cover up your weaknesses and jot down your "TO-DO LIST" about what you're planning and paste it on somewhere you can easily access and see everyday.. This will set your mind to always motivate and be alert to yourself about your BIG AMBITION! Try it! It's really worth it!
3. Be Disciplined!!
Even Islam religion taught Muslims strictly are disciplined on their Prayers 5 times a day and also their management of time. This is recorded in Quran Surah Al-'Asr :
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Time is witness that,
Surely, mankind suffers loss,
Except for those of faith,
Who do good,
And become a model of truthful living,
And together practice patience and constancy.
4. Study Smart and wise not Study Hard!
What is the difference between study hard and study smart?!
Study Hard : A method of common student uses for their input learning. Usually without strategic planning and randomly studying without a specific limit of time.
Study Smart : A rare method of some student uses depending on their ability and how well they organized from the tactics until the time range for input learning. Usually more well-prepared compared to studying Hard and more efficient for students who are used to it..
Are the definitions really answering your typical question bout' the study smart huh? If yes... Then you are a really smart learner... If not, here are some tips for study and smart learners :
My last advice is..... Be a great dreamer, plan and initiate your strategy, be consistent and take care of your health! If you follow these simple rules, Insyaa Allah will success in whatever things you do... Never push yourself really HARD on the night before the examination day... Just take half an hour refreshing all of the notes and exercises you have done and simplify the concept in your own creative way! 7 out of 10 students might neglect this warning and may end up sleep during the exam day and couldn't focus much on answering even a simple dimple question! Well... That's all from me... Thanks for spending your time reading my blog! Support me and Follow my great post here... My last advice is always Study HARD in SMART way! Never study hard non-systematically..
Any suggestion and opinion about your experience to be shared with us? Just Leave your Precious Comment below~
(Next Post) - Study Smart VS Study Hard
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Study Hard : A method of common student uses for their input learning. Usually without strategic planning and randomly studying without a specific limit of time.
Study Smart : A rare method of some student uses depending on their ability and how well they organized from the tactics until the time range for input learning. Usually more well-prepared compared to studying Hard and more efficient for students who are used to it..
Are the definitions really answering your typical question bout' the study smart huh? If yes... Then you are a really smart learner... If not, here are some tips for study and smart learners :
- Prepare an organized time table for your personal study effectively. Suitable duration time for study is 1-3 hours max for each subject a day depending on its priority and difficulties. 2 subjects would be sufficient enough for your brain to process and integrate much input data.
- Plan a study group (3-5 members) once or twice a week should be fine. Teach and discuss with your members about what you have learned or understand about the topic.
- Immediately revise the subject that you have learned from your school/University within 24 hours.
- Make a short note or jot down immediately about what you have understood or lectures given by your lecturer/tutor/teacher during the lectures in the classroom or lecture hall..
- Do not postpone anything that you don't understand or confused. Ask your genius friends or Teacher to clarify your understanding more better and well-organized.
- Read a lot of sources or materials for enhancing your knowledges about your interests or topics you don't really understand during revision or lectures.
Hah!! Are you satisfied with those tips? Well..... It's just a basic thing about study smart. Basically, Study smart is not only your style of study that we matter, but also your entire organization about how you manage your time for study and personal matter. I will write more into this topic in my upcoming post soon..
5. Take Care of Your Health and Chill!
After all preparations and your progress are smoothly going well, one last thing that we take into account is your HEALTH of course! One without having well condition physically and mentally cannot do well during their examination... WHY? Because of lack exercises, over-study on the night before exam day and the worst of all is neglecting your healthy diet during the exam week! Can you imagine that you eat something that is already expired and rotten? Obviously you will get a BAD diarrhea of course... More pathetic, it will disturb you while answering the exam questions and will affect your overall grades!! Doesn't that suck? You gave all of your efforts to score well in that exam, but things won't go so well... Oh my..
My last advice is..... Be a great dreamer, plan and initiate your strategy, be consistent and take care of your health! If you follow these simple rules, Insyaa Allah will success in whatever things you do... Never push yourself really HARD on the night before the examination day... Just take half an hour refreshing all of the notes and exercises you have done and simplify the concept in your own creative way! 7 out of 10 students might neglect this warning and may end up sleep during the exam day and couldn't focus much on answering even a simple dimple question! Well... That's all from me... Thanks for spending your time reading my blog! Support me and Follow my great post here... My last advice is always Study HARD in SMART way! Never study hard non-systematically..
Any suggestion and opinion about your experience to be shared with us? Just Leave your Precious Comment below~
(Next Post) - Study Smart VS Study Hard
Related Post :
-How to achieve SUCCESS???
- Faktor Utama Pelajar Gagal Dalam Pelajaran!
- Tips memilih menara gading (Isi UPU)
- Perbezaan student SBP/MRSM/CLUSTER berbanding student sekolah harian (EPIC NEWS)
Tsuji ryuu~
came here to visit your blog, happy blogging bro :D
ReplyDeletehahaha.. thnx!! I'll try my best! Thnx for your great visit!
DeleteYour blog is so awesome. I am sincerely say that you're really making the most helpful entry ever.Your english is very good and easy to understand:) Or in the other words, all your wonderful words in this blog really motivated me in some way.Keep producing your brilliant tips and ideas. My last word, i am already admire your writing deeply.
ReplyDeletePeace be upon you :) -anon