Assalamualaikum.... Hye there! This is suhaimi again.... I guess it's been a while back then I haven't update this blog much right? yeah.... My first semester break with 6 weeks holiday just gonna fly away freely... and I'm haven't done a single thing these holidays rather than just being such a lazy man who's just ended doing nothing and keep onlining , playing some Nintendo games, also watch some anime videos.. Alright!! Let me straight away to our main point which is I am gonna introduce to you guys bout' my all new time hobby!!! Taaddaaaa!!

well..well.... I guess I don't really need to explain what are those things on my hands huh? Yup.. Indeed.. It's TENNIS!!! Oh my god.. I really fell in love with this game.. And yeah... This is what I've been dreaming for... playing a TENNIS in a BIG and COZY court!!! Hell yeah... It's fun though.. This picture was taken during my TENNIS practice along with my other members of my University's Tennis Club.. It's good to play with them and most us are in same a same ship which is we are EQUALS hahaha!! And... this is also my first time having a COACH which is really expert in this sport.. GOSH! Everything he saids really inspired me..
One thing you should know is the fact that I'm still newbie in this sport and really2 superbly NEED your help to train and coach me... Well, I really one to get this game as my specialty and really want it as my expertise.. Of course I do play other sports such as football, badminton, basketball and also Volleyball but SEEMS I do not have talents in any of them... Watching this Tennis game making me excited to play it as the professional do to grab the trophy in the tournament haha!
My semester break almost come to a close where I still have a several days left before going back to my lovely and cozy college for continuing my study in Foundation in Science for the second semester! hmmm... Speaking of my second semester, I haven't mention yet the result I got for the first semester my study here at UiTM PALAM.. well... I am really gratefull to Allah for giving me a chance to felt the joyness getting excellent in my first semester final examination.. Allhamdulillah I got A grade for all 5 subjects except for my English !!.. Pretty Disappointing!!! hahaha.. I don't know what was really happen to my English paper because I only got B+ for it... well... I just need to study more about those grammars thing also the format for the MUET (Malaysian University English Test) exam... yup... I am really lack of knowledge bout' the format... and I think I really underestimated the subject of course! and now! I really got the payback for my OVERCONFIDENCE...
That's all for my first semester's story and get back to my tennis sport.. FYI, my tennis club will conduct a special tournament for club's members to expose HIDDEN potential among us in this sport... Hurmmm... I'm really dont like this.. not really in that way.. just feel some nervous.. nope... a super dupper EXTRA nervous cause I'm still not getting use with the basic play of TENNIS!!! OMG... What I'm gonna do now is just watch some tutorials for tennis and practice it at home.. That's what I only can do right now.. Just pray for the upcoming tournament and also the Biggest and Important MUET exam... hopefully gonna make it with a flying band colors haha... Insyaallah Band 6 I hope!!... I really don't know.. When it comes to academic, my English getting sucks and LAME... and even you can tell it now.. my English is getting haha... I also wish all my peers who's taking MUET this year also can do it really well and get the appropriate result.. hehe.. Thats all from me.. Thanx for reading...
Last but not least, I would like to thank to all of my Friends, peers and family who's non-stop encourage and give me supports to stay active in this sport especially my parents also my lovely friends Mohd Raffandi Rolando who is always acknowledge me and gave me tips for playing tennis... And my supporters Razlan, Nizam and Daniel Azwan who keep supporting and cheering me up for whatever I do.. Thanks Guys~